Baptism in Futrono with Elder Aguilera and Elder Day
Baptism in Lago Ranco with Elder Moser and Elder Turner
Baptism in Villarrica with Hna Smith and Hna Gonzalez
Visit to Santiago this past week and several of our returned missionaries: Elder Pinto, Elder Vergara, Elder Rubio, Elder Salvatierra, Hna Vergara (Elder Vergara´s Mother), Hna Retamal, Elder Rivera and Elder Aravena
Julio Otay, who is serving a mission with his wife at the Santiago Temple. Brother Otay is from Puerto Varas and served for 18 months as my first counselor in the Mission Presidency. He and his wife are such wonderful saints.
While in Santiago for meetings this past week, I also got to meet the parents of Elder Cisternas who were there attending the temple. Bishop Cisternas and his family live in Constitucion, Chile which was one of the areas most affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Fortunately, their house in on a hill just above where the water level destroyed the city. They were truly blessed.
Watchin General Conference in English in Osorno. Going around the table from l-r: Hna Earl, Hna Thompson, Elder Larsen, Elder Helgesen, Elder Hansen, Elder Cottle, Elder Hunsacker, Elder Walker, Elder Bevan, Elder Pierson, Elder Valentine, Elder McGowan, Elder Riches, Elder Shumway and Elder Bigelow